Climate and Energy Policies hurt the people of Jambi
Recommendation from the "Climate Change Workshop" in Jambi, 24-25
November 2007
Farmers, community organizers and civil society met in Jambi,
island of Sumatra, Indonesia, to discuss the local consequences of
the global climate change. People of Jambi are already suffering
from uncertain weather conditions like droughts and heavy rains
which they believe to be the effects of climate change. They are
concerned that climate and energy policies all over the world will
put a further burden to the people of Jambi, because these policies
tend to facilitate the conversion of more forests, agricultural and
community land into large scale monoculture plantations.
The province of Jambi already is a centre of the agro-industry.
Plantations dominate nearly half of the area of Jambi, with 1.3
million hectares palm oil concessions and 267,500 hectares pulp
concessions. Palm oil plays an important role in the province's
However, the negative impacts outweigh any benefits. The change in
land use in the province only victimizes nature and people of Jambi.
Forests have been and still are destroyed on a large scale to be
converted into monocultures for the production of export
commodities, destroying Jambi´s rich biodiversity. The habitat of
many endangered species like the Sumatran tiger already is gone
Community and agricultural land is rampaged by trans-national
corporations for the production of agrofuel feedstock to satisfy the
thirst for "sustainable" energy and to "mitigate" climate change.
The Indonesian government issues concessions to these trans-
nationals, without any concern to the rights of the inhabitants of
Jambi. The result is that most villagers have lost access to their
land and therefore lost the sources for a living. Consequently,
poverty is rising.
It is common practice that community land planted with rubber trees
is bulldozed by plantation companies overnight. For example, in the
year 2000, the villagers of Sarulangun found their rubber trees
destroyed and replanted with oil palms. Since seven years, the
people of Sarulangun have completely lost their livelihood. This is
only one example; more than 200 other social and land conflicts
remain unresolved.
We, the participants of the Climate Change Workshop in Jambi
identify global energy and climate policies as external driving
forces to even more poverty and ecological destruction. However,
there are internal Indonesian problems which contribute to the
suffering of the people. These root problems should be solved first
before any new investments into agro-business in Jambi.
According to Indonesian law, the state is the sovereign of land,
forest, sea and air. It is not the people who live and cultivate the
land. They can be easily evicted, without any compensation. Since
forty years, the people of Jambi, like all Indonesians, have not
enjoyed any sovereignty over their own resources. This is the root
cause of the suffering of the people.
We, the participants of the Climate Change Workshop in Jambi are
concerned that new agreements, political decisions and investments
without participation of the local people will lead to more poverty
and even to hunger.
Therefore, we recommend:
The government of Indonesia should anticipate the root causes of the
suffering of the people by
Ø respecting the human rights of its citizens;
Ø acknowledging the right to land;
Ø solving human rights violations and pending land tenure
conflicts first.
International investors should insist on agreements which guaranty
Ø people's sovereignty over land, forest, water and air;
Ø the participation of the people in decision making,
agreements and implementation of new investments into agro-business;
Ø the welfare of the people and rural communities.
The global community should respect
Ø the role and the wisdom of the people of Jambi to protect
forest and nature;
Ø the right of the people of Jambi to food and clean water;
Ø and the importance of Jambi´s biodiversity for the future of
the earth.
For farmers, communities and forest dwellers:
Dani, Bandung Jambi
Gatot, Muara Jambi
Gunawan, Sarolangun
Sabriyadi, Muara Jambi
Joni, Muara Jambi
Junaidi, Muara Jambi
Kurniawan, Tanjab Baral
M. Rusdi, Sarolangun
Pengendum (forest people)
Rahmat Santoso, Sarolangun
Tam, Tanjab Baral
We, NGO`s from Jambi, support the recommendation of the farmers and
communities from Jambi province:
Dani, ARC
Donny Pasaribu, National Park Safety Foundation
Feri Irawan, WALHI Jambi
Husni Thamrin, PINSE Jambi
Musri Nauli, Yayasan Keadilan Rakyat
Rukayah Rofiq, SETARA
Lawan dan Menang, Blog ini dibuat sebagai media Kampanye dan kontrol terhadap perusahaan sawit Khususnya Dutapalma Group di Riau
Jumat, 16 Mei 2008
Climate and Energy Policies hurt the people of Jambi
Rabu, 14 Mei 2008
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
Tak Kantongi Izin, Duta Palma Garap Lahan Bergambut
Tak Kantongi Izin, Duta Palma Garap Lahan Bergambut
Kendati belum mengantongi ijin usaha perkebunan (IUP) maupun Hak
Guna Usaha (HGU), anak perusahaan PT Duta Palma Group, PT. Bertuah
Aneka Yasa dan PT. Palma Satu , sudah membabat lahan bergambut untuk
dijadikan kebun sawit.
Riauterkini- PEKANBARU- Pada tanggal 19 Maret 2008 lalu, tim
investigasi Greenpeace mengunjungi areal PT. BAY dan PT. Palma Satu.
Tim Greenpeace menyaksikan para penebang yang diupah oleh perusahaan
kembali membuka lahan hutan yang tersisa.
Dalam investigasi tersebut, Greenpeace memetakan lokasi operasi
pembukaan lahan pada posisi koordinat 0°29'10.7" LS dan 102°37'54.1"
BT sampai dengan 0°31'06.1" LS dan 102°38'03.3" BT. Greenpeace juga
merekam lokasi tiga titik penebangan pada koordinat 0°31'04.3" LS
dan 102°38'13.9" BT.
"Baik PT. BAY maupun PT. Palma Satu hingga kini belum mengantongi
hak guna usaha (HGU). Sebelum memperoleh HGU, sebuah perusahaan
perkebunan harus terlebih dahulu melakukan permohonan ijin usaha
perkebunan (IUP) yang diberikan oleh Bupati," kata Zulfahmi
Campaigner and Researcher Greenpeace Southeast Asia Indonesia.
Dalam proses pengurusan IUP, termasuk di dalamnya dibutuhkan analisa
dampak lingkungan (AMDAL) dan perjanjian kompensasi dengan komunitas
yang terkena dampak atas perkebunan tersebut.
"Namun ternyata PT. BAY telah membuka hutan serta mengeringkan
gambut sedangkan PT. Palma Satu sedang memulai kegiatan penebangan
hutan sebelum seluruh proses perijinan tersebut dilalui," kata
Zulfahmi.*** (H-we)
Senin, 12 Mei 2008
Es di Arktik Segera Lenyap Tahun 2008
Es di Arktik Segera Lenyap Tahun 2008
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008 | 00:23 WIB
Tokyo, Senin - Es Arktik mencair dengan begitu cepat. Semua daerah yang
tercakup lapisan es di samudra bisa menyusut pada musim panas ini sampai
ke yang terkecil. Pelelehan es terjadi sejak 1978 ketika observasi lewat
satelit pertama dimulai.
Lapisan-lapisan es di Samudra Arktik menyusut hingga akhir musim panas
2007, kata para peneliti pada Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency dalam
sebuah laporan di situs internetnya, Senin (12/5).
Penuturan para peneliti Jepang itu serupa dengan yang disebutkan kelompok
lingkungan World Wildlife Fund (WWF) beberapa pekan lalu. WWF mengatakan,
pemanasan global menghantam Arktik lebih keras dan lebih cepat
dibandingkan dengan yang diperkirakan ilmuwan.
Hal ini menyebabkan terjadi perubahan tak terduga pada es, satwa,
atmosfer, dan samudra kawasan es di sekitar kutub utara. Menurut kelompok
lingkungan itu, perbedaan yang paling mencolok selama tiga tahun terakhir
antara lain sangat cepatnya penurunan es laut pada musim panas dan
menyusutnya secara cepat Lapisan Es Greenland.
Kita melihat pemanasan suhu yang berlangsung cepat, kata Ted Scambos,
ilmuwan utama pada National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) di Boulder,
Colorado, AS. Penjelasan yang terbaik adalah pemicunya adalah gas rumah
kaca, katanya. Scambos tidak terlibat dalam laporan WWF itu.
Tuntut pengurangan emisi
Pelestarian ekosistem Arktik memerlukan pengurangan emisi yang
menyebabkan perubahan iklim. Hal itu juga menuntut pengurangan kegiatan
manusia yang mengancam kawasan yang mencakup antara Kutub Utara dan daerah
hutan utara dari Eurasia dan Amerika Utara, kata WWF.
Selain emisi gas rumah kaca, faktor stres lain yang memengaruhi Arktik
adalah pembangunan instalasi minyak dan gas, pelayaran, dan kontaminasi
seperti jelaga, kata Martin Sommerkorn, penasihat perubahan iklim pada
WWF dan penulis kajian itu. Pemerintah, dunia usaha, masyarakat lokal,
dan para aktivis lingkungan harus bekerja sama untuk mengelola ekosistem
kawasan Arktik itu dan membantu mereka beradaptasi, katanya.
Lembaga PBB mengenai perubahan iklim, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), dalam laporannya tahun lalu mengatakan suhu di Arktik
meningkat sampai dua kali dari rata-rata kecepatan pemanasan global. Cuaca
lebih panas mencairkan es di laut dan di Greenland, yang mengandung air
untuk menaikkan permukaan laut global setinggi 7 meter.
Es laut menyusut pada bulan September 2007 menjadi kecil. Mencairnya es
laut tidak menaikkan permukaan air karena es itu sudah berada di samudra.
Namun, mencairnya pucuk-pucuk es seperti Greenland akan menyebabkan
peningkatan permukaan laut.
Akan tetapi, pencairan lapisan es secara keseluruhan diperkirakan tidak
akan terjadi pada abad ini, sebagaimana diutarakan IPCC. Badan ini
meramalkan permukaan laut akan naik 18 sampai 59 sentimeter sebelum 2100.
Meningkatnya suhu di Arktik itu berpengaruh pada penurunan populasi
kelompok-kelompok beruang kutub, menurut laporan WWF.
Sebuah kajian memperkirakan bahwa sebelum pertengahan abad ini, kehidupan
beruang kutub akan terbatas pada ujung utara Kanada dan ujung utara
Greenland, kata Sommerkorn. Yang akan kita lihat adalah penurunan
sekitar dua pertiga populasi beruang kutub.
Dia memperingatkan juga kemungkinan perubahan di Arktik akan menciptakan
keadaan di mana suhu yang lebih panas semakin menimbulkan perubahan yang
membuat lebih banyak pemanasan lagi pemanasan global.
Arktik adalah tempat yang memanas paling cepat, kata Sommerkorn.
(Reuters/Bloomberg/ DI)
http://www.kompas. com/kompascetak. php/read/ xml/2008/ 05/13/00231972/ es.di.arktik. segera.lenyap. tahun.2008
Perluasan Lahan Kebun Sawit Dibatasi
Perluasan Lahan Kebun Sawit Dibatasi
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008 | 00:29 WIB
Jakarta, Kompas - Perluasan kebun kelapa sawit, yang disorot organisasi
lingkungan internasional karena dampak sosial dan lingkungannya, dibatasi
dengan memanfaatkan lahan telantar. Meski demikian, beberapa kasus
pembukaan hutan untuk kebun baru atas izin pemerintah daerah terungkap di
lapangan, seperti laporan Greenpeace Asia Tenggara di kawasan Riau.
Dulu mungkin ada, tetapi sekarang tidak masuk hutan lagi. Hanya
dikembangkan di luar kawasan hutan, kata Direktur Eksekutif Gabungan
Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) Didiek Hadjar Goenadi di
sela-sela acara Seminar Perubahan Iklim, Pertanian, dan Perdagangan, yang
diselenggarakan Dewan Kebijakan Perdagangan Pangan dan Pertanian
Internasional (IPC) dan Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional (CIFOR)
di Bogor, Senin (12/5).
Di tengah dialog perubahan iklim global, perkebunan kelapa sawit disorot
karena melibatkan pembukaan hutan besar-besaran yang berakibat pelepasan
karbon dioksida, unsur utama pembentuk gas rumah kaca.
Tingginya harga minyak kelapa sawit mentah (CPO) di pasar dunia dinilai
berperan pada pembukaan hutan. Para pendatang baru mungkin lupa dengan
ketentuan itu, kata Didiek. Sebagian pendatang baru merupakan anggota
Gapki (total anggotanya 267 perusahaan). Namun, Gapki tak bisa memberikan
sanksi. Alasannya, prinsip produksi kelapa sawit berkelanjutan, seperti
ketentuan Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) yang belum lama
disepakati. Kami terus menyosialisasikan agar anggota mematuhi prinsip
RSPO, katanya.
Data terakhir, dari luas kebun kelapa sawit 6,2 juta hektar (ha), 3,5 juta
ha di antaranya dikuasai anggota Gapki. Total produksi CPO, 17 juta ton.
Menurut Didiek, pembukaan lahan baru kelapa sawit diarahkan pada lahan
telantar bekas HPH, total luas sekitar 7 juta ha.
Sejumlah pembicara kemarin menyatakan, tingginya permintaan pangan dan
energi mengancam keutuhan hutan karena butuh lahan baru. Solusi ilmu
pengetahuan amat diharapkan.
Robert Thompson dari Agricultural Policy University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign menyatakan, pemerintah dan swasta harus bahu-membahu
mengembangkan penelitian, seperti pertanian adaptif, di mana jenis tanaman
pangan dapat tumbuh di lahan tertentu, seperti kedelai di padang rumput
Brasil. Menurut dia, pada masa depan dibutuhkan produksi pangan dengan
produksi berlipat-lipat dari lahan sempit dan konsumsi air minim. (GSA)
http://www.kompas. com/kompascetak. php/read/ xml/2008/ 05/13/00290674/ perluasan. lahan.kebun. sawit.dibatasi
Kasus Tanah PT. BAY
Pernyataan Sikap ; Penyerobotan Tanah oleh Duta Palma Group PERNYATAAN SIKAP MASYARAKAT DESA KUALA CENAKU DAN DESA KUALA MULYA KECAMATAN KUALA CENAKU KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU PROVINSI RIAU Atas Kasus Penyerobotan Tanah Yang Dilakukan Oleh PT. Banyu Bening Utama serta Penangkapan 3 (tiga) Orang Warga Masyarakat Tanah serta tumbuhan diatasnya adalah kekayaan sumber daya alam yang merupakan anugerah tak terhingga yang diberikan Allah SWT kepada kita untuk dipergunakan secara arif dan bijaksana. Tapi hal itu tidak berlaku bagi perusahaan besar PT. Banyu Bening Utama (PT. BBU) yang tergabung dalam Duta Palma Grup, perusahaan tersebut telah masuk tanpa permisi ketanah kami, PT BBU telah menyerobot serta meluluh lantakkan Tanah ulayat serta kebun masyarakat kami seluas lebih kurang 7680 Ha sejak tahun 2004. Hal ini kami ketahui setelah kami melihat izin yang diberikan Bupati INHU melalui SK Bupati No. 71 Tahun 2004 ternyata lokasi izin tersebut berada di wilayah Desa Paya Rumbai Kecamatan Siberida, bukan ditempat kami. Berbagai upaya telah kami lakukan untuk mendapatkan hak kami tersebut, tapi sampai saat ini belum ada titik terang penyelesaiannya. Bahkan saat ini 3 (tiga) orang warga kami yaitu Sucipto,Ramli serta Surya telah ditangkap dan dijebloskan kedalam tahanan Polres Indra Giri Hulu, mereka ditangkap dengan tuduhan telah melakukan aksi pengrusakan dan penjarahan asset perusahaan ketika demonstrasi di lokasi Senin, 16 April 2007. Padahal masyarakat kelokasi hanya ingin menghentikan aktivitas perusahan karena sesuai dengan anjuran Bupati INHU melalui surat 24/PEM/100/2007 15 Januari 2007 yang ditujukan kepada PT. BBU, dimana salah satu point menyebutkan agar perusahaan menghentikan kegiatannya di lahan yang bersengketa. Selain itu PT. BBU juga telah melakukan pencabutan terhadap tanaman sawit yang telah ditanam masyarakat. Berikut kami jelaskan gambaran tentang lokasi lahan yang telah diserobot oleh PT Banyu Bening Utama : Bukti lahan Adat/ulayat Desa Kuala Cenaku dan desa Kuala Mulya sbb: 1. Pemukiman penduduk tahun 1950 dari pinggir sungai Cenaku 400 meter ke Selatan dan memanjang aliran sungai Cenaku dari arah Barat Tanjung Putus sungai Bayang-bayang sampai ke Timur berbatasan dengan Kab. INHU-INHIL sepanjang 12.000 meter (12 km). 2. Dari batas pemukiman penduduk 400 meter lanjut ke Selatan 2000 meter (2 km) dan memanjang dari arah Barat Tanjung Putus sungai Bayang-bayang sampai ke Timur berbatasan dengan Kab. INHU-INHIL 12.000 meter (12 Km), merupakan lahan Adat, dengan bukti antara lain: • Tanaman pohon Rambai, pohon Kemang, pohon Ambacang, pohon Rawe, pohon Manggis, dan tanaman Rotan Sorga serta Sialang Madu sebanyak 32 batang (pohon) 3. Dari batas lahan Adat 2000 meter (2 Km) lanjut ke Selatan 4000 meter(4 Km) dan memanjang dari arah Barat Tanjung Putus Sungai Bayang-bayang sampai ke Timur batas Kab. INHU-INHIL 12.000 meter (12 Km) merupakan hutan olahan rakyat (ulayat) tempat mata pencaharian masyarakat desa Kuala Cenaku semenjak tahun 1950 sampai sekarang. Jadi jumlah lahan atau hutan yang diserobot oleh PT. Banyu Bening Utama (BBU) lebih kurang seluas 7.680 hektar. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah kami jelaskan di atas, dengan ini kami masyarakat desa Kula Cenaku dan desa Kuala Mulya menyatakan sikap ; 1. Kepada Bapak Bupati Indra Giri Hulu H.R Thamsir Rahman untuk menindak tegas serta menghentikan aktivitas PT. Banyu Bening Utama di tanah masyarakat seluas 7.680 ha yang berada diluar izin yang diberikan. 2. Kepada Kapolres Indra Giri Hulu untuk segera membebaskan Sucipto, Surya dan Ramli 3 (tiga) orang warga masyarakat yang saat ini ditahan. Demikian pernyataan sikap masyarakat desa Kuala Cenaku dan desa Kuala Mulya kami buat agar semua pihak yang berkompeten dapat menyelesaikan permasalahn ini dengan segera. Dinyatakan di : Kuala Cenaku Pada Tanggal : 24 April 2007 Kami yang menyatakan atas nama Masyarakat desa Kuala Cenaku dan Kuala Mulya Ketua Adat Desa Kuala Mulya : Raja Anis Ketua Adat Desa Kuala Cenaku : Burhanudin Ketua BPD Desa Kuala Mulya : Drs. Darmawi Ketua BPD Desa Kuala Cenaku : Bakri Kepala Desa Kuala Mulya : Ibrahim R.A Kepala Desa Kuala Cenaku : Mursyid M Ali |
Greasy palms:...............
Greasy palms: the social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil ...
(Raja Garuda Mas group), PT Tani Swadaya Perdana, Musim Mas, PT Blankolam, Subur Arum. Makmur, PT Kencana Amal Tani, PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa, PT Titian Tata ... -
Fires have affected Indonesia since early July this year, but the attention of the media has turned to political events inside and outside the country. In Sumatra, there were large numbers of fires in early July, especially on the Riau-North Sumatra border, and Indonesia's ASEAN neighbours were expressing concern about rising air pollution levels. One of the international forest fires monitoring projects reported that the Rengat area of Riau had the largest fires in Indonesia at that time and described the situation as follows: "Two blocks of forested land are being cleared – probably for oil palm. Burning has been taking place day and night for about two weeks. Ground fires have developed and the peat soil is fuelling the fire. Nothing special of course – it has been going on for years in Riau – but it exemplifies the slow but steady attrition of forest margins in the riverine backswamps and coastal wetlands of east Sumatra." Since mid-July, Sumatra has been overcast with very few fires detected. The rainy season generally starts towards the end of September and suppresses most fires, although clearing for oil palm plantations may continue even in wet months.
The recently revamped Forest Fire Prevention and Control Project website explains that "There are 261 registered oil palm estates in Riau alone, with concessions estimated to cover between one and two million hectares out of the total of five million within the province officially listed as Conversion Forest. A sizeable percentage of the one to two million hectares already has been, and eventually all will be, cleared by fire. There are also many illegal companies operating alongside the legal and are said by forestry staff to have occupied sizeable lands."
However, the weather in Kalimantan has been dry since mid-July. Fires have continued to burn throughout August and into mid-September with levels of smoke pollution exceeding the hazardous level for days at a time. In West Kalimantan, local showers have reduced the number of 'hot spots' (fires) on satellite images for intervals of a few days. Many of these fires are attributed to smallholders. Central and South Kalimantan have been badly affected, especially the peatlands of the abandoned million hectare rice project location. In Sumatra and Central Kalimantan, most of the fires are blamed on plantation companies. By early September, the number of fires in East Kalimantan was rising and authorities were issuing new warnings. There is no indication yet that Megawati's government is going to take Indonesia's forest fires problem any more seriously than its predecessors.
For up-to-date news on the fires look at these web sites:
Fire Ecology Research Group
ASEAN haze information
Singapore pollution index or
Forest Fire Prevention and Control Project (EU-funded, Sumatra)
Integrated Forest Fires Management Project (GTZ-funded, Kalimantan)
Forest Fire Prevention Management Project in Indonesia (Ministry of Forestry & Japan International Co-operation Agency)
- The Indonesian NGO Forest Watch Indonesia has produced a useful factsheet (In Bahasa Indonesia) on this year's fires (
- The Jakarta Statement from the International Symposium on Tropical Peatlands (Aug 23rd) highlights the need to prevent further exploitation of peat swamp forests and deep peatlands (
NOTE: This summary of sources and articles is not comprehensive, but is intended to give an overall picture of what is happening in Indonesia.
JULY 2/7 ST 11/7 The Meteorological Service reported 154 hot spots, while there were few or no hot spots detected in the previous two months. (FWI July Factsheet says only 15 hot spots in June all on 30th) 3/7 Lampung Pos 20/7
(via WALHI) Lampung: NOAA shows 5 hot spots. 3/7 AP 5/7 Malaysian Officials Blame Indonesian Fires For Hazy Skies.
Officials in KL said there wasn't any health danger, but did not disclose the current reading of the air pollution index.
Minister for Science, Technology and Environment Law Hieng Ding said that 35 "hot spots" had been detected in Sumatra.
Fires alert index in C Kal and E Kal has jumped to extreme level (1750 - 2000).
IFFM Samarinda reported fire danger index in Balikpapan (1300), Tanjung Redep/Berau (1500), Tanjung Selor/Bulungan (1449), Nunukan (1288) and Samarinda (1829).
Smoke of fires also threatens flight activity at Palangka Raya airport. Since 23/8 Palangka Raya has been enveloped by thick smog with visibility only 10 m.
NOAA recorded 502 hotspots in C Kal, mostly concentrated in ex-PLG area. Smog also enveloped Samarinda with max. visibility 5 km.
Thirty more spots were reported in Malaysia's Sarawak state on Borneo. 4/7 Borneo Bulletin 4/7 Slight haze in Brunei. Possibly due to fires in Indonesia or Sarawak. Brunei's Environment Unit said that it has yet to receive data on the situation from the Meteorological Department. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department said the latest "hotspot" map showed "hot spots" in southern and central Sumatra as well as southern Kalimantan. 5/7 7/7 JP Haze covering the city of Pontianak since last week has exceeded tolerable limits, and local officials suggested on Friday that people refrain from outdoor activities and use masks. Air contained between 1,067 micrograms and 1,494 micrograms of dust on 2/7. According to the Standard Index of Air Pollution (ISPU), the tolerable volume of dust content in the air is under 50 micrograms. More than 300 micrograms is very hazardous. 5/7 Lampung Pos 20/7
(via WALHI) 14 hotspots in Lampung . Possibility of fire spreading to Way Kambas Nat. Park which is peat swamp forest and burning underground for months. 5/7 Reuters 9/7 Smog from forest fires in Sumatra has affected southern provinces of Thailand: Songkhla, Satun, Pattani, Narathivas and Yala, limiting visibility in some areas to 500 metres, officials said. 7/7 AP 8/7 Smoke pollution from fires in Indonesia could hit Singapore in the next few days, weather forecasters said. Satellite photos show about 100 "hot spots" and smoke plumes in the central and northern parts of Sumatra, a forecaster at Singapore's Meteorological Service Department said 8/7 JP 10/7 Pontianak: Early morning flights are delayed 2-3 hours as visibility is 100-200m. By afternoon clears to 1000m. 9/7 ST 11/7 Malaysian Environment Department reported a total of 617 hot spots in Sumatra. 9/7 Tempo 17-23/7 57 hot spots in 7 provinces. Largest number are in West Kalimantan, where 18 hotspots were recorded. Next worst hit is Riau in Sumatra, where there were 14. Thick smoke descended on Pontianak. At times you could only see 200 meters ahead. AFP 10/7 Pontianak: as above, but visibility figures not so bad (500m am, 5,000m pm) – no delays today. Less smoke in Pekanbaru today than yesterday due to rain. Medan still affected, but flights OK and no health problems yet. 10/7 AFP 11/7 Five Malaysian weather stations reported unhealthy ratings, but the government declined to release detailed air quality readings to avoid upsetting the tourist trade. Malaysia's west-coast Selangor state, surrounding the capital Kuala Lumpur, directed schools to stop all outdoor activities. 10/7 AP 11/7 Singapore's Meteorological Service, which monitors fires by satellite, reported more than 150 "hotspots" in Sumatra and close to 80 in Kalimantan. "We predict that the haze levels will rise because the fires have coincided with the dry season," said Hariyadi, an official at Indonesia's Meteorological and Geophysics Agency. "There is no major rain expected." FFPCP site 10/7 Same forest areas as last year are burning along Riau /N. Sumatra border. Fires producing most smoke in coastal peat swamp east of R. Barumun – 120,000ha over-logged, then burnt for conversion to estate crops. 10/7 JP 11/7 Ministry of Forestry said it had yet to formulate a program to tackle the fires. MU cited the lack of human resources and funds as reasons behind the ministry's failure to anticipate and cope with the problem. The ministry had yet to receive some Rp 140 billion (US$12.2 million) in reforestation funds this year to handle forest fires, Marzuki said. 11/7 Reuters 11/7 Visibility returned to normal in most parts of southern Thailand as smoke from fires on Sumatra was blown east towards Malaysia, Thai weather officials said. Rain cleared smoke in Malaysia. AFP 11/7 Authorities in W.Kalimantan have donated thousands of face masks to residents. Early morning motorists have already begun wearing face masks. Visibility only about 100 meters at 7am, but improved to two km by late morning. The haze normally worsens again at around 5:00 pm. Local administrators have warned residents to stay indoors from late afternoon until early morning. Reuters 11/7 "We will bring in a fire brigade from west Australia to do an assessment because we still don't have a good (fire management) system," Usman told reporters. "We may also rent a water bomber from Australia." Forest Preservation and Natural Conservation office had counted 117 "hot spots" in North Sumatra, 112 in Riau and 53 in West Sumatra provinces this week, compared with almost none last month. 12/7 AFP Thick smoke continues to envelop Pontianak, although few hotspots detected on satellite images. Experts blame subterranean fires in layers of peat. 12/7 ST 13/7 For the first time in two months, Singapore's Pollutants Standards Index (PSI) rose to 58. So far, PSI level for this month has not exceeded 50, except for July 6, when it hit 51. 13/7 ST 13/7 Singapore's Meteorological Service Department said PSI had risen to 65. Environment experts from Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei will go to Jakarta next week. Officials played down concerns that the fires could cause similar problems to 1997. 13/7 Antara via INCL 2916/7 Head of South Kalimantan`s provincial forestry office, Sony Partono, has reactivated the task forces to fight forest fires and smog 14/7 JP Association of Indonesian Forest Concessionaires (APHI) refused responsible for the forest fires producing a thick haze that is blanketing parts of Sumatra and Kalimantan. "I categorically reject any accusations that concessionaires are responsible (for the fire) or are engaged in burning the forest," the Jakarta Post quoted Reza Sinaga, APHI deputy chief for legal affairs. He blames abandoned or former concessions. *Even so, concession holders are still responsible. (FWI July factsheet says NOAA images show most hotspots are on active logging concessions) 15/7 JP Editorial: Jakarta is gripped by political paralysis and no one is dealing with the problem seriously. The haze will keep coming back unless firm action is taken to stop it. mid-July Asia Times 31/7 ASEAN's Haze Watch reported that in W. Kal, 88 percent of hotspots resulted from land-clearing activities by farmers. The remaining 12 percent occurred in crop plantation areas and industrial forest plantations.
So far, more than 2,500 people in Pontianak have suffered from respiratory troubles. Roughly 800 people reported having skin allergies and around 100 people have had eye problems, even as the government distributed protective masks for residents. "These are the data on victims who were registered only at the city's public health clinics. The real figure is expected to be much higher," said head of the Pontianak Health Office.
N. Sumatra has 279 "hot spots" extending 360 kilometers. Haze has also disrupted flights in Medan and Pontianak with visibility in the two airports less than 100 meters recently. 15-16/7 JP 17/7 After being choked by thick smog for almost three weeks, Pontianak residents welcomed the rain that fell on Sunday and Monday. Head of the Pontianak City Health Office said that from July 2 to July 15 almost 2,500 people had visited community health centres with respiratory problems. JP 18/7 (?17/7) Fauzi (Riau forestry office) said 24 companies had fires on their lands: Six HTI holders (timber estates) - PT Arara Abadi (AA), PT Riau Abadi Lestari (RAL), PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP), PT Inhutani IV, PT Sinar Sumatera Plywood Industry and PT Rimba Seraya Utama.
13 plantation firms - PT Astra Agroniaga, Rokan Adi Jaya, Surya Dumai Agrindo, Duta Palma Nusantara, Raja Garuda Mas, Tani Swadaya Perdana, Musim Mas, Blankolam, Subur Arum Makmur, Kencana Amal Tani, Jatim Jaya Perkasa, Titian Tata Pelita and PTDharma Unggu Guna.
Five HPH holders (logging companies) - PT Rokan Permai Timber, Sri Buana Dumai, Siak Raya Timber, Bina Daya Bintara (formerly PT Kosmar Timur Raya) and PT Ubbi Mekar. Tempo 17-23/7
(via INCL 29) Satellite pics show fires in five concession areas belonging to PT Harapan Kita Utama in Kapuashulu, PT Tunas Indo Timber, PT Harapan Kita Utama and PT Nusantara Mukti Sentosa in Sintang and PT Tanjungpura Bhakti in Sambas. "If it is proved, their business licence can be cancelled and they can be fined Rp1 billion," added West Kalimantan Governor Aspar Aswin. 17/7 ST 19/7
(via INCL 29) Indonesia's environment officials said they have set up a 24-hour command post to track the haze and may ban open burning. 17/7 Sripo 23/7
(via WALHI) Only one forest fire on satellite images in Musirawas area but local forestry office has set up fires squad with help of FFPCPC to prevent any more. WALHI Kalbar 18/7 WALHI + WWF + Langit Biru Setting up information service; set up fires post; press authorities to take action on BPK case from last year. JP 18/7 25 fires found near Palangkaraya over last 2 weeks. Local official says relatively small - due to locals clearing land for farms on peat. Fire locations were in Flamboyan, Tangkiling and the area between Palangkaraya-Sampit and the area between Palangka Raya-Kapuas. ST 18/7 Fires set to clear land for plantations may be less severe over South-east Asia this year because of lower palm-oil prices. Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association president Derom Bangun said the low prices would discourage companies from increasing the plantation areas. This year, a metric tonne of crude palm oil has been selling for a monthly average of around US$250 compared to the 1998 average of US$620. 18/7 MI 19/7 via sawit watch NOAA satellite shows 53 hotspots in W. Sumatra – mainly Pasaman, Kabupaten 50 Kota, and Pesisir Selatan. Local farmers plus clearing for oil palm plantations. Bad smoke problem locally. BP 19/7 Palangkaraya airport has had haze problem for several days but now clear due to light rain. Local forestry dept is setting up posts and urges people to prevent fires. C Kal expecting a Rp138 million alocation from Jkt for fire prevention. FFPCF website 19/7 Cloudy. Few hotspots – only up on Riau/N.Sumatra border 20/7 Sumbar Mandiri 57 hot spots have been detected in W. Sumatra, most in Pasaman, in oil palm areas (date not given – not clear if cumulative. Highest number of hot spots was July 14th. 20/7 BI 21/7 Re fires in Kalimantan, MU says he cant tell which concessions they are on! Met. Office, Singapore 21/7 Isolated hotspots over Kalimantan 20/7 SP 9/8 Commission B of E. Kal local assembly cancelled trip to Jkt to demand Rp1.5 trillion from Reforestation Fund for fire fighting because rains put out fires in Bukit Soeharto. Local MPI complained that local authorities failed to take immediate action. 20/7 Forest Watch Indonesia Lembar Facta Total hot spots detected June & July 2,982.
Most hot spots (63%) in logging concessions (883), timber estates (244), plantations (645) and transmigration sites (101).
Most in Riau (982, 33%). W Kal 18.77%, CKal 10.1%, W.Sum 7.2%, S.Sum 5.9%, Jambi 4.6%, N.Sum 4.5%, Molucca 3.8%, Lampung 2.8%, N. Molucca 1.86%.
Useful block graph. 21/7 MI (Via Sawitwatch 23/7) Head of Env. Disasters at Bapedal in Jkt, Antung Dedi, says most fires are in forest and plantation concessions. Satellites show HPH 61% (mostly those abandoned i.e. locals moving in), HTI 23% and other 16%. Cos still responsible. (*Possible press misprint – see FWI data above) 23/7 Wahid forced out of Presidency. Megawati becomes Indonesia's 5th President. No ministers announced yet 24/7 AP Account of how local farmers are causing fires in Sarawak. Asean leaders will include haze in their annual summit in Brunei Nov. 5-6. "Asean says 88% of fires in Sumatra and Indonesia's Kalimantan, on Borneo, are lit by small-scale farmers, while 12% occur in plantation and industrial forest areas." July 25-8 CIFOR via WALHI 7/2 International Conference on Community Based Fire Management to be held in Indonesia in July 2001. Follow-up from the International Workshop by Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) and Project Firefight South East Asia (PFFSEA), Bangkok, December 2000. JP 26/7 Wahjudi Wardoyo, the forestry ministry's director general of forest protection and nature conservation, said there were only 2,239 hot spots detected by mid 2001 – 'half the number of previous years' at international fires meeting in Balikpapan. (*This ignores the fact it is only half way through the year, the wet season has only just ended, all these fires measures are supposed to have been put in place in recent years and 1998 was bad – esp in E.Kal where 25% of land/forest was burned. Number of fires may be higher as "spots" only detected by satellite at temperatures above 360°K.) K 27/7 Prosecution demands 4 year sentence for manager of PT Adei, accused of burning plantation land at Pekanbaru court. JP 31/7 360 hot spots in North Sumatra according to local plantations office. Most in Labuhan Batu, which has 187 hot spots. Companies identified as PT Daya Labuhan Indah, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya, PT Abdi Budi Mulia, state-owned PTPN IV, PT Wonorejo and PT Indosepadan Jaya. ( PT Wonorejo is in South Tapanuli; the rest are in Labuhan Batu). They all denied the allegations. AUG 1/08/01 K 26/7 Dirjen PHKA suspected unnamed concessioners behind slash & burn land clearing, but indicated land clearing took place on the ex-HPH of PT Inti Prona. 3/8 Konsorsium Kebakaran Hutan & Lahan, Riau The verdict for PT Adei Plantation estate manager - Mr. Gobi: 4 years in prison + Rp. 500 mil. fine 6/8 Banjarmasin Post 6/8/01 via Sawit Watch C Kal governor H Asmawi Agani threatened to cancel the concession of companies illegally burning to clear land. 27 members of C Kal GPPI (Indon Federation of Plantation Entrepeneurs.) responded with a pledge not to burn. 8/8 President Megawati announces her full cabinet line up: Environment Minister: Nabiel Makarim; Forestry Minister: M. Prakosa 12-14/8 Banjarmasin Pos 21/8 Hotspots in C. Kalimantan districts: Kapuas: 19 (12/8), 24 (13/8), 37 (14/8) Kobar: 8; Kotim: 5, Barsel: 2. 13/8 Pontianak Post 15/8 Air quality in Pontianak has reached extremely hazardous level – index 703 AFP 13/8 "It has definitely begun to become hazy since early in this month. The smoke haze only clears in the afternoon," said Siti Mustofiah of the meteorology station at Muarateweh."Part of the problem is that we have had no rains for quite a while now."
The head of the district's forestry office, Toboryano Angga, said there were no reports yet of substantial forest or ground fires in the district. "The smoke haze has not yet reached disturbing levels, it is still more or less normal but with a greyish sky," Antara 15/8 Indonesia`s newly appointed State Minister for Environment Nabiel Makarim on Thursday pledged to focus on the country`s forest fire problem. 14/8 Pontianak Post 15/8 136 hotspots are detected (NOAA) throughout Kalimantan, mostly in northern part of W Kal (100) . Thick smoke, especially at night and in early morning. Only light local showers, so rain does not clear pollution. 15/8 K 15/8 1997/8 Forest fires creates US$9 billion loss for ASEAN in agriculture, transport, tourism, etc, not including factors such as health impairment, loss of biodiversity, damage of fires, environmental degradation, says Rodolfo Saverino, ASEAN secretary General. An ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution is expected end 2001. AFP 16/8 ASEAN launched a regional blueprint to avert a repeat of the catastrophic haze of 1997-98 in a book titled "Fire, Smoke, and Haze - the ASEAN Response Strategy". 16/8 K 16/8 Fires spreading around Palangkaraya (C.Kal) . Hotspots concentrated in Kalampangan (Pahandut sub-district) ie. the ex-concession of PT Tanjung Raya Group. 16/8 Warta Bumi, 16/8/01 Haze in Barito Utara (C.Kal), visibility only 10 - 30 m. 15/8 & 18/8 AFP 19/8 Smoke from Kalimantan forced the Malaysian government to cancel 22 small aircraft flights in Malaysian-controlled Sarawak state on Borneo island between Wednesday and Friday. AFP 18/8 Singapore Meteorology spokesman described the haze in Singapore as "quite slight," and said it could clear up after "a couple of days" with some rain or a shift in wind direction. Hazy conditions in Brunei and Malaysia's Sarawak state were likely to remain for "the next week or so." 18/8 K 18/8 42 hotspots in C.Kal (NOAA), mostly in the ex-PLG area Kab. Kapuas, Kab. Barito Selatan, Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, Kab. Kotawaringin Barat. 18/8 AFP 19/8 "Most parts of the city were covered by smoke haze this morning," according to the meteorology station at Muarateweh, North Barito district in Central Kalimantan province. Haze reduced visibility to around 1,000 meters between 7:00 to 8:00 ; visibility had improved significantly by midday.
"Not one (of the hot spots) was found in plantation areas ... they were detected on civilian-owned lands that are burned every dry season for an upcoming planting season," said head of local forestry office. 20/8 Pontianak Post, 23/8/01 via Walhi WKal NOAA/FFPMP reported 614 hotspots in W Kal: Kab. Pontianak (36), Sanggau (219), Sintang (201), Kapuas Hulu (25), Ketapang (55), Bengkayang (13) and, Landak (65). Air pollution index in Pontianak "hazardous". 20/8 Walhi Kalteng 20/8 YBB has reported fires along Trans Kal highway down to border with S.Kal. Fires and haze were also spotted in the ex-PLG area of Tumbang Nusa, Pilang & Jabiren. Bad smoke pollution in Palangkaraya – visibility down to 30-50 m most of the day. 20/8 JP 28/8 IFFM coordinator reported number of hot spots in East Kalimantan jumped to 135 on Aug. 20 from only about 60 on July 25. They are spread throughout a number of areas, including the Bukit Soeharto area, where 410 hectares of forest have been destroyed by fires since June.
Fires have also destroyed forests near Muara Wahau and the Kutai National Park, Kutai Barat and Berau. Several other hot spots reportedly could not be detected by satellite monitoring due to poor visibility. 21/8 Bpost 21/8/01 The volume of smoke has increased, smoke indicator "unhealthy" sign in Palangka Raya. 21/8 Bpost 29/8/01 via YBB 128 hotspots recorded in C.Kal by NOAA JP 21/8 Fire broke out at Bukit Soeharto between the KM35 and KM39 in East Kalimantan. The blaze was believed to have been caused by land burning of local farmers AFP 21/8 Thick haze from fires in Indonesia forced Malaysia Airlines to cancel more than 70 flights on Borneo island over the past week. An environment department spokeswoman said the situation was expected to get worse.
Satellites on Tuesday detected 652 hotspots indicating fires in Indonesia's Kalimantan province - up from fewer than 45 on Monday when rains brought a brief respite. 22/8 Walhi Kalteng DAS has stopped flights between provincial capital Palangkaraya and Buntok in Barito Selatan district.
The air pollution index at the main roundabout in Palangkaraya shows over 100, but last month a figure of 1500 was reported from the clinic at Pahandut.
The local forestry office denies that logging and plantation companies are to blame for the thick smoke. 22/8 Pontianak Post, 23/8/01 via Walhi WKal MSS Spore reported 397 hotspots throughout Kalimantan, mostly concentrated in W Kal (164) & C Kal. 23/8 Pontianak Post, 23/8 via Walhi WKal Secretary of F-PBI DPRD W Kal, Tobias Ranggie, dismissed the common accusation among MPs/govt. to blame local people as the culprits. He instead points his finger to plantation companies such as PT. Riau Agro Utama Plantation in Putussibau as he witnessed the action himself. He also accused PT Finnantara Intiga & Nitiasa Idola in Kab. Sanggau, Sintang & Sambas. 23/8 MI 24/8 Fires alert index in C Kal and E Kal has jumped to extreme level (1750 - 2000). IFFM Samarinda reported fire danger index in Balikpapan (1300), Tanjung Redep/Berau (1500), Tanjung Selor/Bulungan (1449), Nunukan (1288) and Samarinda (1829). Smoke of fires also threatens flight activity at Palangka Raya airport.
Since 23/8 Palangka Raya has been enveloped by thick smog with visibility only 10 m.
NOAA recorded 502 hotspots in C Kal, mostly concentrated in ex-PLG area.
Smog also enveloped Samarinda with max. visibility 5 km. 24/8 Pontianak Post, 24/8 via Walhi W Kal Concessions of HPH PT Rimba Ramin (24 hotspots in Kapuas Hulu district) & HTI PT Finnantara (31 in kab Sanggau & Sintang) were reported as the most concentrated areas of hotspots in W Kal according to data supplied by Posko Karhutlada DisHut W Kal, NOAA & FFPMP-PKA-JICA Bogor. MSS Spore reported 303 hotspots in Kalimantan, mostly in W Kal. JP 24/8 Head of the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) Goenawan Ibrahim warned on Thursday that the haze problem in Kalimantan might worsen as forest fires could easily be sparked by the protracted dry season in the region. 25/8 SP 3/9/01 597 hotspots in C.Kal. 3 big plantations in Central Kalimantan were allegedly burning to clear land as reported by local community and NOAA images. The companies haven't been named. 26/8 Pontianak Post 23/8/01 via PPSHK Subterranean peat fires threats to expand to local housing/settlements in Sanggau district, W.Kal. 26/8 K 26/8 Haze isolates people in the C-Kal hinterland as water levels drops and visibility is only 20 m. Speed boats require at least 500 m clear visibility. 26/8 Koran Tempo 28/8 via Sawit Watch NOAA reported 27 hotspots in W Kal - all in Ketapang district: former timber estates (6 spots), PT Natura AT (4 or 2?), PT Daya Agro Lestari (1), PT Duta Sumber Nabati (1). Reuters 27/8 Indonesia has placed 12 provinces on top alert for forest fires. Wahjudi Wardojo, director general of Forest Protection and Nature Preservation, said a growing number of hot spots had been identified in several provinces on Sumatra and Sulawesi islands and in the Indonesian side of Borneo island.
Indonesia has placed 12 provinces on top alert for forest fires.
Wahjudi Wardojo, director general of Forest Protection and Nature Preservation, said a growing number of hot spots had been identified in several provinces on Sumatra and Sulawesi islands and in the Indonesian side of Borneo island. 27/8 K 27/8 Mayor of Palangkaraya has declared "fire alert-1" as smoke continues to envelop the town and forest/land fires are spreading in C.Kal. Predicts the problem (drought, haze, etc) will continue until Dec. - Kompas' own observation on HPH PT Tanjung Raya Group notes that fires started to emerge in sites east of Palangkaraya.
At least 15 ha reforested area has been destroyed by fires. No sign of glow of fires, but smoke plume 1.5 km high due to subterranean peat fires.
E.Kal, Samarinda & Kutai Barat districts afflicted by haze.
Balikpapan airport at a halt, affecting heli-journeys to PT KEM. JP 28/8 Coordinator of the Samarinda-based Integrated Forest Fire Management (IFFM) Harmut M. Abberger expressed fears on Monday over the possible spread of forest fires in East Kalimantan as indicated by the rise in the fire danger index and the number of hot spots. He emphasised the danger of a repeat of devastating fires of 1997/1998 if the index continues to increase.
The head of E Kal Forestry office stated that the government were to blame for the forest fires destroying conservation areas, while fires in forest concessions, plantations & HPH were the responsibility of the respective companies. Koran Tempo, 28/8 via Sawit Watch In C Kal Bapedalda reported 22 hotspots in ex-PLG area. However, NOAA reported the overall number of hotspots in C Kal has reached 502. 28/8 MI 28/8 via Sawit Watch Samarinda is affected by haze by air traffic not disrupted (5 km visibility) 28/8 K 28/8 IFFM confirms 60 hotspots in E-Kal spreading along the trans Balikpapan-Samarinda, Bukit Soeharto, West Kutai, Kab. Berau and Bulungan. However, it can't confirm the extent of forest/ground cover areas on fire as it hasn't received any relevant report from DisHut. 28/8 Bpost 28/8 HPH PT Purwa Permai caught clearing 90 ha at camp Inu by burning, according to field report of local Env. Management office in Barito Utara district (C.Kal). Local NGO urges the authorities to pursue the case. AFP 28/8 "We will soon make artificial rain to overcome the smoke haze which has continuously blanketed Palangkaraya because of the fires in fields and from land clearing for other purposes,"said Salundik Gohong, mayor of the city in Central Kalimantan. 28/8 Koran Tempo 29/8 via Sawit Watch In Palangkaraya (C.Kal), 21 units of fire fighters are on alert to combat the emergence of new fires.
Pollution standard index showed PM 10 = 120 ie. exceeding the acceptable limit. 28/8 K 29/8 947 hotspots recorded in C Kal. Logging concessions and timber estates are the alleged culprits. Early morning visibility is only 2 m, improving in the afternoon to no more than 100 m. Fires are becoming more rampant.
A forestry team supported by the police & army was sent to fight the fires in ex-PLG area.
Head of C Kal forestry office said it was difficult to catch culprits red handed as reports came too late and fires had been put out when the investigation team reached the location. (NB. A feeble excuse as recent evidence of burning is obvious and can be checked against satellite data: DTE)
Fires in a reforested area of PT Tanjung Raya Group's concession in Tumbang Nusa have got worse. Subterranean peat fires is blamed for the seemingly unstoppable damage. 28/8 K 28/8 W. Kal Governor reported local administrators to Minister of Home Affairs for their lack of commitment in responding to the forest/land fires in the area. None of the bupatis bothers to report forest fires to his office. This "lack of respect to the central govt." isn't the first incident: on 27/6/01 no bupatis turned up to discuss forest management issues at Governor's invitation. 28/8 Walhi WKal 28/8 PT Finnatara Intiga denies its involvement in fires.
W.Kal Env. Mgment staff "ground checked hot spots" on 26/8 in Sanggau. Provisional conclusion: land clearing by burning was taking place in the area, but not within its concession area. There are 2,280 0.5 - 2 ha plots of farmed land in its concession.
PT FI's President Director accuses others of burning 10 ha and 25 ha of its land.
On Sat 25/8 (?) Bapedalda team went to PT SIA's concession area and on Mon 27/8 to Sintang for similar purpose. 28/8 Pontianak Post 28/8 via Walhi WKal Forest fires starts in Ketapang (W.Kal) along the S. Pawan - Tanjung Pura road. 28/8 K 28/8 IFFM confirms 60 hotspots in E-Kal spreading along the Balikpapan-Samarinda highway (including Bukit Soeharto forest park) and in West Kutai, Berau and Bulungan districts. The extent of forest/ground cover areas on fire has not been confirmed as IFFM has not received the relevant information from the local forestry office. BBC 29/8 The El Nino phenomenon will return next year, United Nations scientists have warned. However, researchers forecast a much weaker El Nino than the one that took hold during 1997 and 1998. 29/8 JP 30/8 The Ministry of Forestry is questioning some 100 forest concessionaires over forest fires. New Minister of Forestry Muhammad Prakosa said fires had started in concession areas, plantation estates & forest areas belonging to the locals. His ministry promised firm action: "If proven, we may revoke their concessions, demand compensation, or bring them to court."
The Assoc. of Forest Concession Holder (APHI) denies the allegations, arguing it's senseless to destroy own source of livelihood. JP online 30/8 Megawati Soekarnoputri asked Minister of Forestry Prakosa to discuss with State Minister of Research & Technology, M. Hatta Rajasa, the possibility of using artificial rain to handle forest fires on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. 30/8 Pontianak Post, 30/8 via W Kal Walhi W. Kal forestry office ordered to follow up fires. 6 hotspots in Sambas district; 27 in Ketapang were reported by NOAA & FFPMP-PKA-JICA. K 30/8 Minister's report - Hotspots have been recorded in 132 logging concessions, 20 timber estates & 59 plantation estates, reported the Environment Minister. He cited field reports that hotspots in S. Kal were generated by burning sugarcane plantation residues.
Hotspots were increasing by 5/8, followed by worsening air quality. Then rain helped to reduce the number of hotspots.
From 12/8 to the present, the increase in hotspots then moved to W Kal & E Kal. These areas have been covered by thick smoke every day.
Severe haze originated from ex- PLG areas (former concessions of Salim Group & Sambu Group). This makes up at least 62% of the total hotspots recorded throughout C Kal.
In W Kal hotspots almost spread evenly between Sanggau, Sintang, Pontianak & Ketapang districts.
Between 1- 26 August, the most hotspots and worst haze were in W Kal & C Kal (W Kal 1,227, C Kal 849).
W Kal: fires mainly originated from local people's land, while in C Kal plantation estate.
Malaysia & Spore govt. have reacted by asking the Indon govt. what action it is taking.
While the air quality of Palangka Raya is worsening, Jambi has been "saved" by heavy rain over the last 10 days. Only 1 hotspot recorded in Jambi: at trans site Simpang Pandan. 31/8/01 MI 31/8/01 via Walhi Info Regional govt. announced "alert-1" status to the region following the increase of fires danger index and the extreme level reached in Samarinda.
IFFM reported 120 hotspots in E Kal, mostly in the forest hinterland of R. Mahakam.
Smog is a serious health threat to many people, especially as the supply of masks is running low and local authorities cannot afford to buy more. SEPT 3/9/01 Kapuas Post 3/9 via Walhi Wkal Bapedal W.Kal found illegal burning in timber estates, traditional farms and plantations.
A legal investigation team will do fact finding in the field to avoid 'false accusation' cf PT Finnantara Intiga, whose land was cleared by local people/farmers. (NB Under The Forestry Act, PT FI is still responsible: DTE) 3/9 K 3/9 136 hotspots East Kal. Fire alert index in Samarinda has reached 1,897 (extremely high), Balikpapan 1,548 (high) and Tanjung Redeb 1,707 (high). AFP 4/9 Haze is still blanketing parts C. Kal due to deep-seated fires in peatland which are difficult to extinguish, a meteorology official said. The visibility has improved a bit because of strong winds, thought to have carried the smoke to East Kalimantan.
At least 100 fires in peatland of the coastal Kapuas district. Visibility had been around 400 meters in the mornings for the past three days.
The dry season has begun in most of Borneo, assisting the spread of fires. 4/9 K 4/9 Regular Palangkaraya-Jkt flights have been cancelled due to haze since Sept 2nd. 4/9 Kapuas Post 4/9 by Walhi Ketapang forestry office (W.Kal) refutes NOAA evidence of burning in plantation concession areas. He blames instead local people clearing/burning their own land (ladang) which happen to be near plantations. MI 8/9/01 Despite their claims to prevent & fight forest fires/haze, local authorities have ignored illegal burning by PT Antang Ganda Utama, an oil palm plantation company in Barito Utara district (C.Kal), which cleared almost 1,00ha in 4 days by burning. Local people urge them take action as the fires also spread to their land.
The management has fled to Jakarta to avoid questioning. 10/9 18/9 (WALHI) 140 hotspots in East Kal according to IFFM monitoring 13/9 18/9 (WALHI) Number of fires in E. Kal down to 8 due to heavy, localised rains.
Smoke is clearing along coast. Conditions in the interior not known. 13/9 JP Thick haze in Banjarmasin, S. Kalimantan did not prevent VP Hamzah's visit.
Fires attributed to rice farmers clearing fields after harvest. 16/9 IFFM website 268 hotspots in Kalimantan (but West Kalimantan covered by cloud.
Most fires in ex-PLG region, the mid-Mahakam river and South Kalimantan. 17/9 IFFM website 188 hotspots, mainly concentrated in South Kalimantan by the C. Kal border.
(Most of the rest of island of Borneo had heavy cloud cover). 19/9 IFFM website 459 hotspots detected in South and central Kalimantan.
All East and West Kalimantan obscured by cloud, so no satellite data available for those provinces.
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